Sunday School
The curriculum for Sunday School is “Spark Activate Faith” which follows the lectionary. Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. during the school year and are organized in three groups: Pre-School/Kindergarten, 1st-3rd Grades, and 4th – 6th Grades.
The classes create Valentine’s Day cards and send them to our shut-in members.
Vacation Bible School
Each year we partner with First Christian Church and Edwards UCC for joint Bible School. In 2020, we held a Virtual Vacation Bible School July 26- July 31 – This VBS began in person to pick up supplies at Edwards Congregational UCC, and joined for a sorting ceremony and blessing.
Then, they met via ZOOM for stories during the week, and your Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment bag will have all the instructions for you to learn that you are special, and you were beautifully and wonderfully made for a specific purpose.
Christmas Program
Our children participate each year in a Christmas program on the 3rd Sunday of Advent.