Faith Formation
Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School
We meet at 9:15 a.m. for coffee and conversation, catching up on our week apart. We have been watching and discussing Nooma videos by Rob Bell. Discussion has been excellent.
Classes have been postponed during the Covid19 pandemic.
Sunday Morning Worship Service – 10:30 a.m.
The first Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion. The 4th Sunday we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. We provide activity bags for children during the service.
Quiet Time
Meet in the living room area at the church to spend an hour of quiet time with God. Read the bible, pray, or spend time just meditating.
We meet every Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. – check the calendar for any special updates to the schedule.
Bible Study
Join us for Bible Study, Wednesday mornings at 10. Either in-person at the church or via a Zoom meeting. Let Pastor Heidi know if you want to join via Zoom and she’ll send you the link. The group is currently studying the Women of the Bible.
Confirmation Youth
Confirmation is for youth, ages 6th through 8th grade. Confirmands will study the bible and how it relates to their lives and our church’s mission. They will have the opportunity to participate in conferences, retreats, and mission trips.