Worship at Faith UCC

No Matter Who You Are or Where You Are On Life’s Journey, You Are Welcome Here!

When you visit Faith Church’s Sunday morning worship, you immediately become part of our Faith Family.  You will find that the preaching at Faith Church comforts and strengthens your faith, but also challenges you to mature in your Christian understanding.

Come and Worship with us

  • No Sunday School/Bible Study – Memorial Day through Labor Day
  • 10:00 a.m. Worship In-Person or Worship on Facebook Live
  • Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to watch our services

In-Person Worship Guidelines – effective June 2020

  1. If you feel sick, please stay home.  Join us on Facebook Live
  2. We will take temperatures upon entering the building.
  3. We will have hand sanitizer throughout the building for your use.
  4. We encourage masks, but will not require.  Masks will be available for your use.
  5. We will not have coffee or cookies before or following worship until further notice.
  6. We will endorse safe sanctuary seating at half capacity.  Every other row will be “closed” to seating. Families are welcome to sit together.
  7. All liturgy will be on the screen – we will not have bulletins or sermons to hand out.  We will continue to send weekly bulletins.
  8. We will suspend the Passing the Peace during this time.
  9. We will not gather children together up front and will have a pre-recorded Children’s Time.
  10. We will used pre-packaged communion cups/wafers placed on the table as you walk into the sanctuary.
  11. Ushers will dismiss each row in order to ensure appropriate social distancing.
  12. There will not be an attendant in the nursery during this period.
  13. The drinking fountain will be covered and unavailable until further notice.
  14. The church will be deep cleaned each week following worship, and after any events that may take place during the week.  We ask that each individual group do their own cleaning.  There is a sanitation container with the needed supplies in the kitchen.