God’s Bow

The rainbow is God’s bow that serves as a reminder of His promise to mankind – an unbreakable bond between the Creator and His creation. In times of trouble, in the presence of anguish, God sends the rainbow to remind His people of His promise (Ezekiel 1:28).

Faith First

Two churches, one roof moves outside! We have a new space to hang out!

Thank you to Bob Cobb for donating the white bench, the red bench is First Christians.

Thank you to Gary Hoker and Jim Spies for placing the cross from the sanctuary in the ground and creating this cozy seating space!

Stop by and enjoy the view and maybe even some conversation with the pastor! (Or whomever you want!)

Take just a moment…

  • Post category:Peace

In this crazy, chaotic world right now, take just a moment to look out your window. What do you see? Today, I am grateful for the quiet, relaxing snow falling from the sky and blanketing the ground of the earth. May wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, bring you just a moment of peace and quiet in order to calm your anxious spirit!