General Synod 2023 Service Project

Back in April we were notified of the service project at this year’s General Synod to be held in Indianapolis June 28 through July 4th.  If we raised $250, we could apply for a $250 UCC kits matching grant.  We raised $350, applied and received the grant.

Each kit contained two 2 oz. bottles hand sanitizer, three 4-galon bathroom trash bags, one travel pack of Wet ones, ten unscented tampons ( 5 regular and 5 super), ten unscented sanitary napkins, one bath size bar of soap, one pack of flushable wipes, and six laundry detergent sheets.

Several ladies from the church got together on June 28th and put together 57 kits!  Once they were completed, we delivered them to a delegate from another church in our area who took them to Indy.

UCC surpassed their 1,000 goal and 3,157 kits were put together!

Painting Party June 2023

We held a painting party fundraising event on June 14th.  The painters could chose between creating on canvas or painting on a tote bag.  

The money raised will go to Churches United’s Thanksgiving in July for local food pantries!  We were assigned the Friendly House in Davenport.

Great job, ladies!

Faith First

Two churches, one roof moves outside! We have a new space to hang out!

Thank you to Bob Cobb for donating the white bench, the red bench is First Christians.

Thank you to Gary Hoker and Jim Spies for placing the cross from the sanctuary in the ground and creating this cozy seating space!

Stop by and enjoy the view and maybe even some conversation with the pastor! (Or whomever you want!)

Pastoral Pondering – September 2020

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  ~   John 8:32

We—and by “we”, I mean “I” – have talked an awful lot about the trials and tribulations of 2020, and we really don’t need to rehash them. Yes, that is part of the truth, but there is another part of the truth that we tend to leave out, especially when we are feeling the fear and despair of all that has been thrown at us.

That truth is the continued abundant blessings we have been given, as a world, as a nation, as a community, as a church, and as individuals. I want to share that part of the truth with you here.


In this time of chaos and uncertainty, besides our humanity, we now have another thing in common with every single person walking on this planet—the experience of this pandemic. Every single human has their own stories to share about their lived experience. We are not alone!


We have much to work on as a nation, and even in the difficulties and tragedies that continue to be thrown our way, we have been blessed with the opportunity to begin to make things right—to offer justice and equality in ways that we have been ignoring. The more we work toward justice and peace, the more God will bless us.


In this last storm, I watched our community gather in ways I haven’t experienced before. Again, everyone in our community was affected by this last storm in one way or another, and yet, neighbors helped neighbors, strangers prayed for each other, and a real sense of community was present, if even for a brief moment.


This is the most amazing! During this time of sheltering in place, we have raised enough money to replace the roof and take down the cross, to repair the hail damage on the shed and gutters; we have purchased a new sound/video system (which is just about complete!); continued to offer our pledges for the bills that our church has; held a paint party; continue to gather on ZOOM every other Wednesday evening; gather in person and on ZOOM for Bible Study; held our first ever Virtual Vacation Bible School with 3 other churches; and we endured 15 weeks away from one another—while still worshiping—thanks to technology.


This might be my favorite truth. We have grown, albeit with growing pains, but we have grown nonetheless. We have stretched our ideas past what we have always done, and what we have known, opening ourselves to new life. We have used the creativity that God instilled in us. While we are rebuilding life, which can be hard, we are being given the opportunity to play! Think about it, in the beginning when God created everything, do you really think God stressed and worried, and was afraid? No way! God played! God said, LIGHT! and called it GOOD! God made water, land, animals, plants, and then called them all GOOD! And then God made humans—and we are GOOD. Creation wasn’t serious work—it was play! And now we are being invited to take part in that play; to come up with new ways to be and live, and new ways to love. And, as long as we keep God at the center—all of it will be GOOD!

In this time of chaos, uncertainty, and fear, these are the truths that we tend to overlook. Opportunity and abundance. But more than that, this opportunity is offering us freedom from the bondage we once thought to be truth. We don’t have to produce, produce, produce to be successful! We have to LOVE, and be loved. That’s all. And that is the abundant truth.

 ~ Always Peace,   Pastor Heidi



Little Library

Friends, I just have to share! My heart is so full! We were gifted with this Free Little Library 2 years ago. Since this pandemic, I have had to refill it about every fourth day! Today, I walked by at 9:40 am, and again at 12:47.

On top of this, shortly before I walked by the second time, I received a text from Karsten telling me that someone dropped off two grocery bags of books for the Library!! It is being used and replenished by our neighbors!

God is good!