Backpacks and School Supplies

During Worship Service, Sunday, August 2nd, the backpacks and school supplies we collected in July were blessed.  These supplies will be delivered to EICC Student Success Store.

We are still accepting backpacks and school supplies.  Drop them off at the church during office hours.

Backpacks and school supplies!

Virtual Vacation Bible School

Virtual Bible School July 26- July 31 – This VBS will begin in person to pick up supplies at Edwards Congregational UCC, and join for a sorting ceremony and blessing.

Then we will meet via ZOOM for stories during the week, and your Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment bag will have all the instructions for you to learn that you are special, and you were beautifully and wonderfully made for a specific purpose.

Youth Celebrate MLK

Faith and First Christian Youth honor and celebrate MLK Day with service projects – taking donations at KWQC and then painting rocks to be placed at the Friendly House – then attending a wonderful program and finishing by breaking bread together. #mlkqu2020 #BlessingBox #PUNCH